
This Probate Quiz is designed for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be taken as legal advice.

Welcome to your Probate Quiz!

1. Probate can be completely avoided if I have a ‘Will’?

2.Money spent on a traditional ‘WILL’ is nothing more than a 'down-payment’ on ______________________.

3. I don't need a Living Trust unless I have at least $600,000 in total assets.

4. After I die, I will be subject to AZ Probate only if I have a minimum of ______________ in cash, or ______________ in real estate.

5. Joint Tenancy is a perfect way to avoid Probate.

6. I can actually experience a form of ‘Probate’ while I’m alive.

7. A ‘Will’, ‘Living Trust’ and ‘Living Will’ are different names for the same document.

8. Any attorney can predict exactly what Probate will cost.

9. With a Living Trust, I’m in control of my assets until either I become incompetent or die.

10. The four basic estate planning documents I should have are... (select 4 options).
